A free gift from me

Hey there, this one is going to be a quick email.

I am going to launch a 100DaysOfCode tracker, which is a simple notion template, that helps you track your coding progress and stay consistent.

Consisting of multiple tabs, options, community, and habit tracking as well.

Guess the price?


Oh, oops, you already read the title, yes, itā€™s absolutely FREE of cost.

A sneak peek inside the tracker?

What to do?

Nothing much, just click on the link below, and get it for free from Gumroad.

What will the tracker help you with?

  • Track your progress in coding (duh)

  • Stay consistent

  • Join a community of like minded people

  • Network with others

  • Start a challenge that can potentially change your life

Alright, thatā€™s it for this one, I will be back soon, with a topic that has been the most anticipated.

(Content creation)

Stay tuned for the next one.