The Golden 3 Rule of Consistency


Hello πŸ‘‹ and welcome to a new issue of our newsletter, without wasting any precious time of yours, let’s address the elephant in the room, Consistency.

Some people think giving your 100% every day is consistency, some think just showing up is enough, and some think neither of these. But in the end, what remains is, how exactly can we show up daily? how to give your 100% daily?

Coding is special, here, you have no option but to learn every day and stay updated, it becomes tough to do this without having a plan and goal.

Unfortunately, many people give up after trying and getting frustrated as they can’t stay focused and consistently put in the effort, but,

I have a solution.


It’s not what you think

Don’t worry, I am not going to say the same things everyone tells you to do β€˜Set Goals’, β€˜Schedule your time’, and β€˜Take breaks’, these tips don’t work, if they did, you wouldn’t be here, right?

Here are 3 things to keep in mind, if you really want to be consistent with coding:

  1. Reward System

  2. Accountability

  3. Visual Progress


1. Reward System:

You need to give yourself a reward in order to have the motivation to keep going. A quick example of how it works, here is my Leetcode profile, I have been consistently solving problems, but not daily, what’s my plan to stay consistent?

Not very consistent, but building up the momentum

Simple, the more I solve, the green squares fill up and give me a feeling of validation to keep going, this may sound very conventional, but trust me, it works.

You never know until you try.

2. Accountability:

By far, this is one of the best things I implemented in my life to stay consistent with coding, and has worked the most for me.

How to stay accountable? there are two options-

  • Pair up with a friend who wants to learn the same things as you, and share each other’s progress daily.

  • Join a challenge like the 100daysOfCode on Twitter and connect with like-minded individuals

This brings me to an exciting announcement πŸ₯³ , I am building a product called the 100DaysOfCode Journal, where I will be making a notion template that will let you track and save your progress in every coding session.

Things like: what concepts did you learn, the project you are building, tough concepts you want to revisit, the 100days tracker, and many more.

Guess what? You are one of the first people who know this exclusively, perks of being a subscriber, eh?

3. Visual Progress:

A short, but effective way to stay consistent, is to track your progress visually.

It may be a journal, a simple to-do list, or a perfect tracker, but when you visually see your progress, a different level of motivation sparks and you get going.

After I launch the template, this practice will become way more efficient and smooth for devs!


That was all for today’s conversation between you and me, short and simple.


  • Hack your reward system by rewarding yourself every time you stay consistent and make progress

  • Stay accountable by either pairing up with a friend or sharing your progress on social media

  • Visually track your progress and see yourself go ahead in the journey.

Consistency can take you places that you thought may be impossible, but truthfully, it’s not for everyone, you need discipline and a strong reason for playing the game for long.

Watch out for the next issues where I deep dive into these topics, and also share the progress of the 100DaysOfCode journal with its features and much more.

(I literally wrote this issue in under 3 hours because of my college exams, but you need to show up every day, consistency beats intensity :))

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