HUGE free opportunity

Go and take action now

I’m opening up a unique opportunity for 3 beginner/intermediate developers who are serious about taking their coding skills to the next level.

No fluff, no BS. Just straight-up, hands-on mentorship. We’re talking about real guidance tailored to your goals and your current level.

Whether you’re stuck in tutorial hell, overwhelmed with what to learn next, or simply need someone to show you the ropes — this is for you.

Here's how it's going to go down:

I’ll be working one-on-one with you to create a personalized plan and roadmap. I’m not just going to hand over a generic learning path. We’ll break down exactly where you’re at, what your goals are, and the steps needed to make real progress.

You’ll have me in your corner, making sure you:

  • Stay consistent

  • Focus on the right stuff

  • Avoid the common pitfalls that hold so many developers back

We’re not going to waste time. I’ll be pushing you to get your hands dirty with code, build real projects, and apply what you learn. It’s not about how much you learn, it’s about how effectively you can use that knowledge.

And here’s the best part:

It’s free. Yeah, you read that right. I’m not charging anything for this. I’m doing it because I’ve been where you are — stuck, frustrated, and unsure of what the next step should be. I want to help you avoid the mistakes I made and get to where you want to be faster.

What do you need to do?

Simple. Comment below on the tweet with:

  • What you're currently learning

  • Why I should choose you for this opportunity

I’m looking for people who are hungry, committed, and ready to grind. If you’re going to flake out or half-ass it, this isn’t for you. I want to work with people who will execute and follow through.

I’ll pick 3 of you based on your response, so put some thought into it. Show me why you're serious, and I’ll make sure you get the support you need to crush your coding goals.

Best of luck. If you’re ready to level up — I’m ready to guide you.

Again, just simply reply below the tweet and not to this email, if you want even better guidance, where we work even closely, and give you a perfect roadmap with guaranteed results, check the below doc out (this is paid), reply to this email if you’re interested.

Click here for the doc

Catch you in the replies,
- Atharva