The long story short

Hello there, yeah I know, I know.

I have been gone for a loooong time, 2 months, 2 FREAKING MONTHS.
I have never been so out of the process of building, self-improvement, fitness, business, content creation for so long, but now I am back.

Back from a lot of things, these past 2 months have been very tough, uncertain, unpredictable, and the mental growth that has happened in this period.

Don't worry, I will tell you everything, in brief, one by one, bit by bit.

But meanwhile, I wanted to tell you about something very huge. Let's cut the suspense:

I have joined Accenture as a software engineer.

Yes, I have finally begun my first job as a software engineer. The work for now, is on-site; I have to report to my office every day for 9 hours.


Yup, after almost 2 years of working from home, building my business, and generating multiple thousands in revenue, I am stuck in the matrix :p.

Joking, I willingly applied for the job, went through coding and technical rounds, gave an interview and finally I am here, will include some pictures for reference.

Also, another thing, I am finally a Computer science engineer, I graduated recently with a 9.65 CGPA.

I know this is life update after life update, but you've yet to know the biggest one, I underwent 2 surgeries.

I injured my right index finger, don't ask how, which gives me PTSD still XD, but yeah, the recovery process took a time of 2 months to recover.

It was a very tough time, Imagine not using one of your hands for 2 months straight, not being able to workout, no riding a bike, none.

But I am recovering now, been getting back to the gym lately, lifting some weights again after 2 months, doing cardio, mobility training, and much more, feels good to be back.

I wrote this email to you with the sole purpose of maintaining the connection that we have.

I know there has been a huge gap, but I promise, I will become much more active, consistent, work harder than ever, and do the best I can.

Expect 2 emails every week, I might pump the speed up even more for the time being and will try to keep this one short as well.

Meanwhile, I feel like I am talking to a wall. I want to hear from you too. How’s life treating you? Have you been productive these last 2 months? Or you're slacking off?

Don't worry, you’ve got 4 more months, 2024 is not over yet; you still have time; you can do a lot in these 4 months. Do not underestimate the power of compounding.

I gotta go for now, Expect a value packed email within 3-4 days, will see you soon.