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- You will fail in coding
You will fail in coding
Read this if you’re someone who has invested a lot of time into learning to code, but isn’t seeing the progress that you desire:
You’re gonna be perfectly fine.
Trust me, it isn’t as bad as you think it is.
By the end of this post, you’ll have the answer to almost every question that arises related to programming and why you can’t progress.
Sigh of relief right there? Don’t be too excited, the situation you’re in has only 3 reasons:
You did something wrong
You did more wrong
You kept doing the wrong
This might be harsh, but it’s all your fault, the stagnation, lack of logical thinking, getting stuck in tutorial-hell, EVERYTHING.
“C’mon Atharva! I already know this, I was doing something wrong, this is why I got stuck, but what is the solution?”
Stay patient, I am going to give you the ultimate system which almost every developer I know uses, in order to not only progress, but thrive using their skillset.
What is the secret sauce?
Well, keep reading:
You might have stumbled upon 100s of roadmaps, youtube videos, posts like these, and make little to no progress whatsoever.
Now answer me:
How many times have you actually sat down and thought about the progress you’re making in your journey, alone, quiet in a room with no distractions?
I bet it's no more than once, or maybe, maybe twice.
Even at this moment.
You’re probably frustrated from the lack of progress and stagnation, even then, you aren’t taking out a moment to sit in silence and brainstorm what's going wrong, are you?
Instead, you are here scrolling on X in the hope of finding some top notch secret that the top devs are hiding from you.
The truth is: There’s none.
There is no hack, no secret tip, no process, no system, no framework that can teach you how to learn to code.
100% of the developers who know how to build something and solve problems have got there through nothing but trial and error.
Staring at their screen for hours before finally figuring out the solution to a problem.
This is how hard feels like, this is how you experience the AHA! Moment, this is how the majority of your learning is going to take place.
The procrastinator inside you always defeats the part of your brain that wants to get work done.
I know you’re disappointed, and if you read until here, you have a great attention span, you have the potential to get things done and become a great programmer.
But the only thing holding you back is: YOU, your own mind.
Stop distracting yourself, sit down, start thinking, and code for
an hour straight.
Also, the Metamorphosis challenge is going full fledged, want to see some behind the scenes and life updates?
Until next time, have a great day.