Money is not the reason

If you have been here for a long time, you know what I preach about:

Personal Branding and writing online.

But I never told you much about why, and what are the reasons I started writing online.

It’s easy to scroll through advice on the internet.

But there should be a reason behind your actions, and your plans, Motivation is cool, but intention is the 👑 .

I’ll try to keep this one short, let’s dive straight into the topic, of why you, as a developer, should start writing online.

The Money Dilemma:

This is what most people think, I hope it’s not you, but the majority of them.

They think the reason I started writing online was to earn 💰️ .

This is not true, I have been here for over a year, do you think I am enjoying a vacation in Bali, on the beach sipping on coconut water?


I am here coding for hours a day and studying for my exams.

So keeping money aside, what are the other 3 reasons, you should start writing online, as a coder? let’s see.

1. Creative flow state:

Don’t expect generic answers from me, I will not say “HUGE NETWORK”, or “SIDE HUSTLE”, which is kinda true, but not 100%.

We code every day, get burnt out sometimes, and need to give our brains something different.

What I found out is, that I get into a flow state either when I am coding, writing an email (like this), or making a system.

This is the ultimate goal.

You can turn this into a creative side quest, which may not be The priority for you, but an interesting hobby to explore.

Do you think I spend 4 hours on Twitter daily?

Nope, I open Twitter only twice/a day, even after being a creator.

2. Learn Soft skills:

No, by soft skills, I don’t mean communication skills.

If you are a developer, you probably have a decent level of it, and if not, you’ll eventually.

But by soft skills, what I mean is, these skills:

  • Marketing

  • Copywriting

  • Networking

  • Sales

  • Persuasion

  • Systemization

Believe it or not, this skill stack is going to help you as a developer too.

3. Opportunities:

You already know how much freelance devs earn from clients, and if you are someone who is looking for work,

Build in public.

I got my first freelance client from Twitter, if you are an OG, you already know the full story.

The email I sent about how I earned my first $ online.

Give it a read here, and if you still doubt building in public.

Come on, do better.

That’s all I have for you today, told you this is gonna be short and sweet.

But still valuable, right?

I am keeping my promise.

Btw here’s an update on the FREE product I told you about in the last email:

I am going to do a poll on Twitter, next week, where I’ll ask my audience about the most common problems a beginner developer faces.

But you are special,

Reply to this email with a specific problem you are facing/have faced progressing as a coder.

I reply to all the emails, See you next week, hopefully, with the name of the product ;)